Emma, Willam and The Great Debate - Part I

Gossip Column #1

“I’ve told you before,” Emma said sweetly, barely pausing in her piano playing, “I’m not leaving my parents' house because it means leaving the Cotswolds.”

William sighed. Then he tried switching tactics.

“What if,” he offered, “we simply stay at my parent’s estate in Lincolnshire until such time as we find a suitable piece of land and…” his voice trailed off as Emma dropped her hands from the piano keys and swung around to face her new husband.

"I've told you before," Emma said sweetly,
barely pausing in her piano playing, "I'm not leaving my parents' house because
it means leaving the Cotswolds."

Emma was the type of girl to whom people flocked. She was genuinely kind, funny and intelligent. She was as willing to sit companionably with her sister-in-law and engage in fancy needlework, as she was to ramble about the countryside with her two young nephews.

She rarely quarreled or even raised her voice. Yet when she had made up her mind about something, it would be easier to have an argument with a granite wall, or with one of the blocks of honey colored stone that made up so many of the cottages in this part of England. And Emma had made up her mind about living in the Cotswolds.

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